Good Enough

A tricky old dog is trying to learn new tricks.

Gemblog Works

July 11, 2022 — ~jdcard

It took a lot longer than it should have, but patience and persistence have paid off again – I’ve these blog entries showing up on my Gemini site as well as the web.

The default method of displaying bashblog’s markdown files didn’t work very well (especially for links in markdown format), so I’m now running the markdown through “gemgen” to create .gmi files alongside the .md and .html files. It is messy and wasteful – the same content is there in three separate files – but it works.

ToDo: hook gemgen into the bashblog script to automatically create the .gmi when the post is created.

Bigger ToDo: convince the Spartan server to read those same files. Hmmm… perhaps I can have the public_html/blog/index.gmi file also create an index.gmi (and symlinks?) for the public_spartan/blog directory.

tags: happy, tired

Moving Day

July 10, 2022 — ~jdcard

Well, it’s more like moving week: I spent the past week or so migrating content from my website to my Spartan instance here on Things are still a bit rough here and there, but overall I’m happy with it. Some of the content did not migrate here, and some of the pages got minor updates during the process.

After that effort I must say that I really appreciate the simplicity of Spartan.

tags: migration, happy

Temporarily Relocated

June 20, 2022 — ~jdcard

jdcard Washington jdcard California

Saturday (two days ago) I traveled from western Washington to central California to visit my granddaughter and her famiy for a month or so. Quite a change in weather and scenery!

I definitely miss the climate of the Washington coast much more than I missed the climate of California (where I lived for a few decades) while I’ve lived in Washington.

Worth it though to have the time with the great-grandchildren.

tags: tired, happy